For over 29 years, we have focused on metal bending and rolling. We have been able to build an excellent reputation during this time by executing simple as well as highly complex and unusual projects, thereby also leading to international acclaim. Where others prefer to remain hands off, we engage fully! Because challenging projects are our preferred field of activity. Not only do we strive to constantly evolve – we also keep our technologies and production techniques up to date.
With our many years of know-how, we offer our customers individual and customised solutions. We supervise projects from prototyping to production and assembly – depending on the requirements and customer wishes. Even for extended series, you can rely on our experience and modern production technology – even larger quantities can be produced extremely economically and efficiently with new technical solutions.
Pemat is an innovative company that never rests. We are always testing the latest technologies and tinkering with our processes. Whether in industry, architecture, staircase construction or vehicle construction – customers from Switzerland, Europe, the USA or Asia trust in our high level of expertise and Pemat’s precise work. Especially in the field of 3D bending technology, we have also gained international company recognition. But Pemat would not be Pemat if we didn’t inspire the market with further innovations. The magic word is “free-forming”! “Made in Switzerland”, of course.